Q Persuasion regarding values requires establishing generally accepted and clearly identified criteria, or standards used for making evaluations or judgments. As our textbook states on page 237, "If you can convince listeners to accept your standards, they'll more readily accept your judgment; even if you fail to convince them, they can at least understand the reasoning behind your argument." Directions: Choose one of the broad categories to respond about. Write a paragraph (or more if you're feeling impassioned) that identifies 2-4 criteria you would use to make an evaluative judgment about anything in that category. Provide reasons for why you selected each criteria. Categories (Choose 1 to respond to with your Criteria) Movies Dinner Spouse Vacation Car My criteria for "Dinner" - Filling, Rich (in flavor), Hot (in temperature) My wife's criteria for "Dinner" - Nutritious, Easy To Prepare, Balanced (in flavor), Minimal Cleanup
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